Thursday, April 26, 2007

GMA Week

This week was the annual big week of the year in my industry. For 5 days, downtown Nashville is swallowed up by musicians and professionals in the christian music industry. This year was a bit different for me as my company decided to have a booth in the exhibit hall. It was my *lovely* job to be in the exhibit hall ALL day for 4 days. It made for VERY long days and today I have been wiped out. I did get a chance to meet some great people and got out of my shell a bit to make some good industry connections.
I really enjoy watching human behavior at events like this. Seeing the people that try to make themselves seem like a big deal to everyone around them, and bands that just want to be noticed by anyone. On the other hand, I had people talk to me that I thought would be too "important" to give me a time of day, and some really cool bands that hung out with me.
One funny story from the boss has a pretty twisted sense of humor and last week we had joked around that he needed to bring his Jesus doll with him this week. He decided to do that and we placed Jesus on our table to see who would notice. it is a cool doll that has the hair of a troll doll. Anyway...we had him out one day and maybe 2 people noticed. Then, the next day we got into the booth and Jesus was gone! We looked everywhere for him and he was GONE. Someone stole Jesus!!! It was quite a surprise and it really took some guts for someone at a Christian music convention to steal Jesus!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

All That I Had Hoped For

Today was a different kind of perfect. It was a holiday spent alone, but it was wonderful. I feel rested! I got caught up on things that I needed to do. I made myself a YUMMY Easter dinner. I watched movies and laid on the couch and I READ. Fabulous! And to top it off...I have surprises from Ikea arriving any minute now. I wasn't looking forward to today, but it was exactly what I needed. A true day of rest to be geared up for a busy month ahead. A time to really reflect on what Easter means to me and how important this day is in my life.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Time to relax

Today has been fabulous. I did have to wake up TOO early and work for a few hours...but I got the rest of the day to myself to just chill. I also decided that the best way for me to spend my Easter is to REST. I am going to sleep in, maybe read some and just reeeelax. Life gets so busy and the days and weeks pass so flippin quickly so I am really thankful to have this time to regroup.
Next month, it looks like I'll be spending a week in Seattle/Portland. I can't wait to get home and see my friends and family. I am taking most of my trip to do my own thing and do all the things I never have time to do when I go home.
On a family update, my Grandpa was put in a nursing home and he is officially upset about it. It sounds like having the wrong drugs in his system was causing the hallucinations and overall he is now doing much better. There are still a lot of unanswered questions that I have and many things about the situation that seriously don't add up. But I know that all I can do is keep asking questions and that just worrying wont get me anywhere.
I do hope all of you have a fabulous Easter weekend!

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