Thursday, October 04, 2007

Ok...wait a minute..

How is it October already? How am I turning *gasp* 31 in 23 days? I've been trying to keep my head above water lately. Trying to rebuild the business and it is a slow process. The downtimes can really be scary and you hope for the light at the end of the tunnel, but it keeps moving further back. Its frustrating. Normally at about this time of the year I do lots of traveling for work. Its a time of excitement for me...a time that gets me through. This year, we aren't doing those events. I have to admit that its hard on me knowing that I'm not getting out of here this month...that I'm not seeing my customers face to face. I am trying hard to get beyond that and keep motivated.
On a more happy note...even with all the stress around me I am planning a vacation. I am looking at taking myself to Disney World. I am looking to be gone 4 days. A glorious 4 days of no internet or phone. Its gonna be weird. Its gonna be good for me to be at a place where I cannot connect to the world easily. Whenever I get out of town to visit family or things like that...I still end up doing some work. I need time to get away and regroup. Time to disconnect from the overwhelming stress. Have any of you guys done a vacation on your own? Any tips?

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