Thursday, August 19, 2010


They say it takes 30 days to create a habit. I can say that new habits have started in my life and these are great habits to have. I am thrilled that I am getting closer to God and understanding once again the joy that comes in that relationship. I also am still watching what I eat...I have re-introduced some "normal" foods back into my diet, but they are very balanced. I have been slacking on the veggies at dinner lately so I do need to get back on track with that. 6 days ago I started "The 30 day Shred"...I've done it for 4 of those days and it is really kicking me into shape! I love being challenged and this is right up my alley. The big excitement through all of this is that as of Monday, I have lost 16lbs in the last 5 weeks! I'm hoping by re-introducing working out into my routine that the scale will continue to go down a bit more quickly than it has the past couple weeks.
On a different note, I am SO ready for fall to get here! The changing of the leaves and the cooler weather energize me! I love the change of seasons!

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