Thursday, October 26, 2006

Saying Goodbye to my 20's...

In a few hours, I will be 30. YIKES! I always envisioned 30 being way different than what its actually becoming. I thought I would be an adult by now, but I'm so far from it. It really seems like just yesterday that I was the awkward 12 year old girl with my bangs teased so high that a bird could live in it. My biggest problems were whether or not I would get the right color ESPRIT bag or if the right boy would rip off the Guess tag on my jeans. I had such lofty dreams back then. I was capable of doing anything. My dreams have taken on different forms over the years. I have made many of those dreams a reality...some dreams I have to keep fighting for to stay a reality and some dreams I am trying to still dream about. I have felt in the last few years that I have lost the ability to hold onto my dreams. That somewhere along the way, I have started to believe that some dreams aren't meant to come true. I have let bitterness come into my life and its time to kick it back out. I desire to be a 30 year old that believes in herself and believes once again that anything is possible. I want to believe once again that the dreams I have are meant to be realities at some point. So here is to a fresh start of strength!


Sunshine said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Not to worry, the 30s are fun....less pressure and lacking in the hang ups people in their 20s are famous for. You just get a lot more comfortable in your own skin! WOOT! Now, run out and get a tattoo! HA

Mrs. Flinger said...

WOHOOO! Welcome to thirty!! My calendar reminder popped up for your Bday. And I say, it's not so bad on this side. :-)

Anonymous said...

I turned 30 in March, and I can honestly tell you that I am loving it.



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