Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Dealing with Puke and other fun things in life...

So tonight, I was getting ready for bed. All relaxed..yep, sleep would be happening at any time. Then the ick happens! My little dog decided to slowly get off the bed and I look down and she is yaking up a storm. Needless to say, I get up and take care of my "baby" and the huge mess in my room. Now, its 1am, the dog is sound asleep on the living room floor and I'm in the living room (instead of sleeping) making sure all is well. Whenever this stuff happens, I think about what its gonna be like to be a "real mom". Dealing with stuff coming out of all ends, worrying about them, getting up in the middle of the night for various reasons and so many other things that I cannot even begin to imagine. It definately seems like a curious world...but then who ever thought I would be sitting up in the middle of the night watching my dog for any signs of trouble.


Mrs. Flinger said...

Dogs are a great practice for kids. It's all true. You'll never stop worrying once you start carying for another being. :-)

Welcome to the club!

canadian sadie said...

Eeew. I don't deal well with my own puke, I'm not sure how I'd deal with someone/thing else's. :)

I like your design! Nice blog. :) Thanks for stopping by mine! :) I'll be back--you're now on my daily rounds!

Marjorie said...

Ha Ha...thanks for the welcome Mrs. Flinger.
Canadian Sadie, thanks for stopping by. There is always room on my blogroll for people that celebrate Canada Day!


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